Don't spend all your time taking classes. Get out there and get some experience doing actual work. 不要把时间全花在上课上面,出去找点实际的工作干干,这样才能积累经验。
The computer engineer said, "I think we should all get out and then get back in." 计算机工程师说:“我觉得咱们应该先退出,然后再重新进来。”
Because you've described the collection to be of a certain type, all calls to get items out of that collection return the given type. 因为您已经说明了集合为某种类型,从集合中提取项的所有调用都返回给定的类型。
And if you're not sure yet quite what you want to do, all the more reason to get out there and investigate. 如果你还不太确定自己想做什么,就更有理由参与其中去发现啦。
The Western tradition says, It'll all get sorted out after death, in heaven and hell. 西方传统认为:一切在死后获得解决,无论在天堂或地狱。
And I'll visit them all when I get out. 出去后我会去所有地方。
Fortunately, they found a way for all the white people to get out. 幸运的是他们放了所有白人一条生路。
Junkies come in here all the time to get out of the cold. 瘾君子们一直都来这取暖。
Hopefully we can all get organized and we can get out of this grey area. 希望我们都能组织起来,并且走出这个灰色地带。
So we can all get the hell out of here. 我们就能从这鬼地方出去了。
You've got all the right moves so get out and strut your stuff and it won't be long before someone wants to tag along and enjoy your company. 只要你使出正确的招术、上演自己的拿手好戏,用不了多久,肯定会有人愿意尾随其后。
That sort of thing will all get ironed out over the next several weeks. 这些问题将在未来几周加以解决。
We can all get a living out of this. 那我们都有赚的。
All right, let's get out of here, guys. 好的,都走吧,伙计们。
Then, the Microsoft engineer, not knowing much about anything, comes up with a suggestion, Why don't we close all the windows, get out, get back in, open the windows again, and maybe it'll work! 接着,软件工程师也不知道什么,他提出来说:为什么我们不关掉窗户,出去,再进来,再打开窗户,或许它就可以工作了!?
Jessica: Okay, we should go shopping in Port Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out. 杰西卡:我们得赶快去安吉利港购物,免得漂亮衣服都卖光了。
"How are we all going to get out of town together?" “我们怎么才能在乡村里面一起生活?”
He was father time, traveling forever, and the bag he bore was filled with tomorrows, all struggling to get out. 他就是时间老人,他永远在前行。而装在袋子里的是明天,它们都想争着往外跑。
We all need a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and not everyone is lucky enough to have a job they feel passionately about. 早晨,我们都需要一个理由来起床,而且并不是每一个人都足够有幸能拥有一份他们热爱的工作。
All right, get that man out of the water. 好,把那个人拉上来。
All right, get them out of here before they start stinking. 好的,在发臭之前把他们弄出去。
Make sure all adults you know get out and ote. 要确保让你认识的所有大人都走上街头、参与投票。
They all get their wallets out and give generous tips. 他们全都拿出自己的钱包,给了很多的小费。
You'll all have to get out here. 不过你们都得走过去。
All right, you kids get out of here. 好了,孩子们出去吧。
But don't spend all your time indoors, get out and hike the many miles of trails in Forest Park. 但不要老呆在家里,可以去森林公园去走走。
I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. 我要你们所有的人都从椅子上站起来。
Ignore all this trash! Just get out on the court. 别管这些垃圾,直接到球场上去。
Only in this way can all of us get out safely. 只有这样,我们才能全部平安地出去。
During a train fire in the tunnel in the station it is necessary to close partial screen doors to control the fire and the smoke better after that all the passengers get out of the trains. 在轨行区列车火灾后期人员都从列车撤离后,为了更好地控制火灾及烟气可以考虑关闭部分屏蔽门。